CAS in the News

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07/14/2021 July 2021 Perspectives

Here's a small sampling of recent news stories in local and national media featuring UW College of Arts & Sciences faculty or programs.


How long can a person live? The 21st century may see a record-breaker

Michael Pearce, UW doctoral student in statistics, and Adrian Raftery, UW Boeing International Professor of Statistics and Sociology, discuss the results of their new study of longevity. Source: UW News      


Why some biologists and ecologists think social media is a risk to humanity

In the science journal PNAS, biologists and ecologists weigh in on the impact of social media. Lead author Joe Bak-Coleman, UW postdoctoral researcher at the Center for an Informed Public, and co-author Carl Bergstrom, UW professor of biology, are interviewed. Source: Vox


Revisiting ‘Streetwise’

Nearly four decades after the documentary “Streetwise” first moved audiences with its portrayal of kids in crisis, Andrew Heddon, UW doctoral student in history and associate director of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, explores why the crisis of homelessness has yet to be redressed and why punitive responses only further contribute to the crisis. Source: Real Change News


The heat wave in the Pacific Northwest is creating lasting damage to marine life

A recent Pacific Northwest heat wave led to the death millions of shellfish. In this MSNBC video segment, Marine ecologists Alyssa Gehman (University of British Columbia) and Emily Carrington, UW professor of biology, talk about the lasting damage of heat waves to marine life. Source: MSNBC


Pandemic-era crowdfunding more common, successful in affluent communities

During the first months of the pandemic, thousands of people turned to online crowdfunding to meet their needs. Analysis of a popular crowdfunding site, along with Census data, found stark inequities in where the money went and how much was donated. UW sociology graduate student Mark Igra was the study’s lead author. Source: UW News